Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Nov. 16 6:31 4:20

Sat., Nov. 17 6:32 4:20

Sun., Nov. 18 6:33 4:19

Mon., Nov. 19 6:35 4:18

Tues., Nov. 20 6:36 4:17

Wed., Nov. 21 6:37 4:17

Thurs., Nov. 22 6:38 4:16

Fri., Nov. 23 6:39 4:15

Tomorrow night’s first quarter moon appears in the zodiacal constellation Capricornus.

The moon moves into the zodiacal constellation Pisces in the coming week. On Thanksgiving night the gibbous moon, two days from full, appears in the zodiacal constellation Aries.


The red planet Mars rises in the eastern sky an hour or more after dinner. Mars has brightened considerably in just the last two months and it outshines all the stars in the east. The planet is in the zodiacal constellation Gemini. Mars gains more attention next month when it reaches opposition, closest to the Earth. The red planet will continue to brighten and gain more attention.

The ringed planet Saturn rises in the eastern sky at about 1 a.m. Saturn is in the zodiacal constellation Leo and near Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation.

Venus, the brightest planet in the sky, rises a few hours before the sun. Coincidentally both Venus and Mars are about equal distance from the Earth this month. Venus is therefore bigger and brighter than Mars.

Astronomers estimate that the two planets are about 650 million miles away. Mars gets closer by the end of this month and Venus becomes more distant.
