I recall how much fun it was to see the sights at Five Corners with my grandmother. She would gas up at Manter’s Garage across the street from the A&P. There was no congestion, just the slow pace, friendly laid-back people and a village setting.
Those days are gone forever, but we don’t have to give Stop & Shop carte blanche for the grandaddy of expansions right at the Island’s gateway. What they are telling us is, “We know better!” Apparently their top dogs have given the command to their messengers: “Get the approval for the super-duper store on an MV postage stamp and you will be rewarded handsomely!”
For the Island, the scale of we have preserved for 200 years is on the cusp of being obliterated.
Do what Cronig’s did to a get a 25,000-square-foot store years ago. Move it out of town! Stop & Shop should be required to do the same with their 45,000-square-foot behemoth.
Connie and Max McCreery
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