On a Saturday night, June 6 at the PA Club, a group of guys quietly entered the building, amps and instruments in hand. No pretense, no “look at me we’re rock stars,” just a group of hardworking musicians being there to do their job which at that moment was to help raise money for a new folk opera, 1854, which is being developed for and about the Vineyard community. Then they began to play. People at the bar took notice, the place was still quiet and the audience having heard through various grapevines began to trickle in, then they arrived in earnest filling this beautiful space. The band is Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish and they blew off the roof that night. The played hard driving blues, rock and even the American Songbook and if you don’t know what that is, start with a skinny kid named Sinatra and you’ll be educated. Nobody announced the band. They just began to play and play and play and then played some more.
The trickle became a flood and the joint was rocking from the bar to the pool tables to the great food people had contributed to the event. Ultimately, through their music, joy reigned supreme. People from 20 something to 80 something got up on the dance floor to shake whatever there was to be shook. And this is how the night went. Aided by Kate Taylor’s special contribution, the night knew no bounds and for those few hours denizens of this small hardworking Island forgot their burdens and rose to the rarified atmosphere of elation.
As the executive producer of 1854 I am grateful to Johnny and the guys — Jeremy Berlin, keyboards, Buck Shank, guitar (is there a cooler name on earth than Buck Shank), Johnny Hoy, lead vocals and Kevin Begley, drummer, who temporarily sat in to drive the beat into our marrow. A special thank you to the PA Club and Charlene whose advice was spot on and helped us make the right choices. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by a great team, especially Kate Taylor, Marcia Draper, Dr. Lorna Andrade, Marie Araujo and Victoria Haeselbarth whose assistance made this event possible. I am grateful to Barbara Dacey and WMVY whose promotion surely drew crowds to the dance. And finally, to my wonderful Vineyard community, who showed up on a beautiful spring night to inspire me with their jubilant celebration for no reason other than to be happy.
Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish — how blessed we are to have such a jewel in our midst.
If you wish to know more about 1854 . . . a folk opera, you may go to this link: www.scribd.com/doc/232356777/1854-Background#logout, or check out our website at 1854opera.wix.com/18541.
Thank you.
Jack Schimmelman
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