As the summer closes its doors for a long sleep, my family and I return to the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple. We have been staying on the Vineyard for years and this was the first summer spent in our own home on the Island. The idyllic vacation destination, until you need to find a contractor or plumber or electrician who can get to work in a jiffy! In New York city everything is instantaneous. In a moment you can get the help you need (cheaper than the on Island, believe it or not) or even get any type of food delivered to your door. Not so on Island. You need a reservation for most good island restaurants and even then good luck getting one at a decent hour. Traffic is bad, never NYC bad, but still bad. Attitudes prevail all summer, which has always amused me (why the attitude in such a beautiful place!). Money flies out of your pocket as everything is overpriced, by a lot. Island life takes some adjustment.
Yet as my daughter returns to school, I can tell that the Vineyard has rubbed off on her, for the better. She feels the return to the hustle and bustle, the quick pace of NYC where life doesn’t stand still for anyone. It has taken her time to adjust from Island life. The slow pace where her biggest worry was wondering which flavor of ice cream she would try has been replaced with worries about school, dance, swimming, tennis and a jam-packed schedule that seems to be the norm in the city. But she seems smarter somehow, as if she is now aware of nature and how we interact with it. Watching wild turkey snoop around our yard or freezing in pure fear from the up-close sighting of a skunk can give you some quick nature lessons. Her self-absorption has been replaced with self-reflection. Time spent in the sand and sun has a way of making you realize just how special life is and how much you can impact it. A littered bag of trash is par for the course in New York city, but on the Vineyard it takes on a new meaning, its destructive power is evident. She loves the Island and I know that many years from now (many, many years from now, hopefully) she will watch her own children grow here as well.
We are happy to call the Island our second home and even happier to contribute to the economy and environment. We intend to be part of the fabric of the Island and have met some great people who have welcomed us with open arms. Thank you for a wonderful summer.
Now if I could just get a contractor to actually return a call . . .
Chris Valis
Oak Bluffs and New York city
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