The support from Tisbury voters at the recent annual town meeting and for ballot question one is greatly appreciated. Securing the funding to partner with the Massachusetts School Building Authority on the feasibility study and schematic design phase of the project to improve the Tisbury School facility was an important step for our town.
For nearly five years, many individuals and groups have worked hard in an effort to improve the school building for students. Being invited by the MSBA affirmed the school’s needs and provided an incredible opportunity for the town of Tisbury. There is much work still to do, and we look forward to continued community involvement and support for this project. Before we look ahead, it is important to acknowledge the contributions from so many that helped bring this opportunity forward for the town. Sincere thanks are due to the Tisbury school committee, Tisbury school advisory council, school building committee, board of selectmen, planning board, finance committee, town administrator, finance director, and superintendent’s office.
Siobhan Mullin
Vineyard Haven
The writer is president of the Tisbury School parent-teacher organization.
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