As I sit here writing this column, I am listening to the news and trying to keep track of Jose. So by the time you read this I hope all is well and we didn’t get blown away and we are still above water.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week, and no I did not get the list. Hopefully next week, but we will see.

The derby is in full force and I just reaped a harvest of fish. I get fresh bluefish from one friend, and tonight my other source just dropped off a fresh bonito. I am in heaven.

Whenever a weather report says a storm is on the way, it is always the joke that the Stop & Shop is full and the check-out lines stretch into the food aisles. Well, with Jose on his way it was no different. I tried to remember everything after work last week but I forgot the dog food so I needed to go back to the mob scene. I walked into the store and you would think we were going to have to go into a shelter for a month. Water was flying out the store, people’s baskets were full of all kinds of food for snacks in case the power went out, plus trying to find a parking space was even scarier. Oh well, you either come out cursing or laughing. Either way, we survived the Stop & Shop.

State Sen. Julian Cyr and State Rep. Dylan Fernandes will pay a special visit to the Federated Church on Sunday, Sept. 24, at 10:30 a.m. A special resolution was passed by the Massachusetts State Legislature, honoring the Federated Church and recognizing their 375 years of continuous worship on Martha’s Vineyard. Everyone is welcome to attend to hear the proclamation read at 10:30 a.m. Those who would like to stay for the service are certainly welcome.

The Federated Church is located on 45 South Summer street in Edgartown, just before the intersection with Cooke street. For more information, call 508-627-4421, email, or check out our website at

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.

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