A lot of people say kids cannot change the world but the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School is doing it one bucket at a time with composting. We have been composting our food scraps for over three years and we have saved just over 10,000 pounds amount of food waste. That is equivalent to 2,000 pounds more in weight than an average killer whale. We have been giving our food waste to our local farms for their animals to eat. Composting can help the world not waste food. In the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30 and 40 per cent of the food supply. Which is approximately 133 billion pounds and $161 billion worth of food, according to the USDA Economic Research Service in 2010. Now in 2018, these figures could be even higher. If you are not composting now, you should really try it. If you start, you will not be wasting food because instead of the food waste going to your local landfill, the food waste goes to farmers.
If you can’t get the food waste to a farmer, you can put it in your garden. We are making our own composter in the fifth grade at the Charter School. It is easy and it is good for our school, good for the environment and good for the community. All the other middle schoolers and elementary school are just now starting composting. And the high school started last year.
I hope all of you guys are going to start composting because you feel inspired from the little message I wrote.
Owen Kleinhenz
West Tisbury
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