As the New Year rolls in, may it contain in that motion a wave of possibility. And may this possibility continue to crest and roll long after you have been tossed aside like yesterday’s lunch. Let’s face it, a year’s worth of days will also leave you face down in the shallows or riding a riptide to nowhere. But never fear and don’t fight it. Simply paddle to the side until a day more your size appears.
But if pond metaphors are more your thing, let’s turn to the snapping turtle, a shy fellow or lady who would just as soon avoid you in the water as it goes about its mysterious routine. Pity the person who tries to shake one’s hand on dry land, however. All that slow going makes them very snappy; a bit of road rage from ground level you could say.
And so, like the snapping turtle or the long rolling wave, may you be allowed to stick to your environmental strength while you go about your mysterious routines. But do know that your weaknesses will miss you and drag you to dry land or to a bed of rocks at its earliest convenience. No resolution will alter this fact, and so perhaps the best resolution of all is to be kind to yourself this year, kinder than necessary even.
And when that fails, because of course it will, paddle to the side once again until better days appear.