New roof is completed on the Tabernacle.
New roof is completed on the Tabernacle. Ray Ewing
  • New roof is completed on the Tabernacle.
  • The Tabernacle before construction began in September.
  • The old roof tiles are covered in moss and lichens.
  • Load of materials arrives in Oak Bluffs.
  • Stained glass windows are covered ahead of construction.
  • The first tile is removed.
  • A hole emerges in the roof.
  • Tiles come off for the initial mockup.
  • Mockup inspection takes place.
  • A worker inspects progress up by the stained glass.
  • More removed tiles allow light into The Tabernacle.
  • Worker is seen through hole upper-level roof.
  • More tiles are loaded into lift from upper roof.
  • Cranes were a common sight inside the Tabernacle.
  • Every piece was carefully placed.
  • Work continued from above and below.
  • The stark difference between the old tile and the new.
  • Care was taken to ensure the new roof will last.
  • New lighting is installed in the interior.
  • Bare winter branches revealed the completed new roof.
  • A bird's-eye-view of the completed project.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The months-long project to replace the aging roof of the Tabernacle in the Camp Ground of Oak Bluffs came to a close in June.

Comments (2)

jed devine, west tisbry
The Ray Ewing photos are wonderul.
July 12, 2024 - 12:17pm
Steve Hight, Oak Bluffs
Great coverage of the work! High quality photos.
July 12, 2024 - 12:27pm


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