Rising Tide Rising Tide Therapeutic Equestrian Center is having their third annual cocktail party/fundraiser tomorrow night, Wednesday, July 15,...
The Vineyard Nursing Association (VNA), a provider of home healthcare on Martha’s Vineyard, will host its popular annual Clambake Benefit and...
Read for the Bears
The Haitian Art Sale will be held Saturday, July 18, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Resort, 111 New York avenue in Oak Bluffs, sponsored...
Friday Conversations On Friday, July 10, the guest speaker at the Oak Bluffs Senior Center will be Ralinda Lurie, of the Permanent Endowment for...
Kick Up Your Feet and Have a Great Fourth of July Fourth of July? If you are a kid, all you need to know is they do toss candy in the parade...
Her camp is the longest running, volunteer-operated overnight camp in the United States for children and adults with disabilities. Helen Lamb...
Fresh Air for City Kids Thousands of volunteer host families throughout 13 Northeastern states and Canada open their hearts and homes to New York...
A mysterious stranger became the highlight of the poetry night at Che’s Lounge two weeks ago. Here’s how former West Tisbury poet laureate Dan...
The African Artists’ Community Development Project and the Chikumbuso Widows’ and Orphans’ Project are collaborating to produce a concert this July...
The Edgartown Federated Church will continue hosting its annual chowder suppers on July 9, 16, 23 and 30; and August 6 and 13, from 6 to 7:15 p.m....
Steve Masterson, an arborist at the Polly Hill Arboretum in West Tisbury, is raising money to ride in the STIHL Tour des Trees, a week-long, 500-...
