The Dragonfly Gallery, in conjunction with the Periwinkle Studio (diagonally across the street), is featuring a retrospective show of Virginia...
The Federated Church of Edgartown is sending volunteers on a 10-day mission to New Orleans in November to continue the rebuilding work the church...
Poets Donald Nitchie, Jill Jupen and Clark Myers lead the lineup at the next, and possibly last, Outerland live poetry event of the year. Other...
There is something evil and ugly lurking in the rules of the United States Croquet Association, and that is the rule that tournament matches should...
Renaissance House, a retreat for artists, celebrates its fifth year of survival with a benefit spoken word show on Friday, Sept. 21 at 8 p.m. at...
Vineyard Women’s Network Hosts Meeting Next Week The Martha’s Vineyard Women’s Network will hold its first meeting of the season on Sept. 25 at...
Vineyard artists at lighthouse
Nineteen Martha’s Vineyard artists> have been working outside this week, en plein air, to take full advantage of the exquisite September light...
The town of Chilmark has a birthday today, but it will pass quietly with no fanfare. Thirteen years ago, when the town marked its tricentennial, it...
An open house at the former Denniston House on Masonic avenue in Oak Bluffs is scheduled during the Arts District’s Art Stroll on Saturday, Sept....
Peace Rally The Martha’s Vineyard Peace council is organizing a peace rally at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 15, at what the council calls Peace...
Tivoli Day Fun Run Start the Tivoli Day festivities on Sept. 15 with the sixth annual George V. Tankard Memorial Martha’s Vineyard NAACP 5K Road...
The Martha’s Vineyard Special Parents Association has changed its name to Vineyard Independence Partnership. Founded in 1983, the organization is...
