We are happy to report that the young black cat Ralphie has found his forever home.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary on Martha's Vineyard has rescheduled its new boating safety class called Suddenly in Command to Saturday, Feb. 10.
Haggis, a savory pudding made of lamb organs and barley, was the first dish of the night — avoided by some but devoured by many — at the 37th annual...
As the Island’s cost of living continues to rise, local community supper programs are seeing an increase in residents looking for relief, with demand...
A new exhibit at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum, Clifford: Our Big Red Dog, opened on Saturday, celebrating the Clifford phenomenon and the life of...
Vineyard hunters had a successful season, bringing in the fourth-highest number of deer since the state began collecting data 40 years ago.
This week's featured pet is Jerry, a four-year-old, male black and white cat.
Beach Road Weekend, the Vineyard Haven music festival and one of the largest events on the Island in recent years, will not continue in 2024 and...
The West Tisbury planning board deferred a special permit for the long-planned affordable housing project at 401 State Road.
Coast Guard Station Menemsha celebrated a century of combined service Saturday, at a ceremony honoring the retirement of longtime auxiliary members...
The former Oak Bluffs fire chief who had resigned in the wake of a sexual harassment scandal was arrested Saturday.

California-based educator, therapist and longtime seasonal Vineyard resident Susan Pimentel Andrien is taking up the mantle as executive director of...
