The regional high school and all-Island school committees voted last week to certify amended budgets for the coming fiscal year.
The Boys & Girls Club and YMCA both plan to open summer camps next month, with strict safety protocols. But most other Island camps will cancel...
Edgartown restaurants can now officially apply to expand their outdoor dining capacity, after selectmen approved a policy Monday to allow seating...
Chilmark voters flew through their annual town meeting in just over 30 minutes late Monday afternoon, in an unusual year.
Closed to the public for months, the Vineyard restaurants, retailers and hotels excitedly — but cautiously — re-opened their doors to customers on...
Numbers from the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics show double-digit unemployment across the state in April, and Dukes County is one of the hardest...
Franklin street traffic will be reduced to one lane at the Church street intersection beginning at 7 a.m.
Thousands of businesses and recreational facilities will be allowed to resume services beginning Monday.
The Dukes County commission voted this week to appoint Donald Leopold of Chilmark to fill a vacant seat on the board.
A long-running land-use review of a controversial subdivision planned for off Meetinghouse Way in Edgartown continues.
The League of Women Voters of Martha's Vineyard updates its candidate forum plans for today and next week.
More than 50 Edgartown business owners and townspeople attended a hearing on the town’s budding outdoor summer dining plan.
