The former longtime selectman and leader of the Wampanpoag Tribe is the new Aquinnah town administrator.
Everybody here knows that the great American novelist Thomas Wolfe wrote prophetically that you can’t go home.
Edgartown selectmen were in a letter writing mood at their Monday meeting..
Aquinnah health agent Julie Sierputowsky has resigned after several years on the job, leaving the town with another key position to fill.
As wind farm developers begin to jockey in earnest to build projects in waters off the Vineyard, a new round of surveys related to a turbine project...
The West Tisbury zoning board is poised to decide whether to approve the Island’s first medical marijuana cultivation center.
The former Secretary of State regaled a packed house in Edgartown with humor and gravitas in a speech that was a pointed call to activism.
In light of traffic jams, West Tisbury selectmen said they would ask farmers’ market organizers to consider moving to the Ag Hall next year.
The Martha’s Vineyard Airport Commission is looking to expand its business park to increase revenue and fill demand for new leases.
Efforts to ease congestion in downtown Oak Bluffs came to a head at the selectmen’s meeting Tuesday.
A boardwalk that crosses a salt marsh and tidal channel across town-owned land near the Menemsha Inn sparked heated discussion at the Chilmark...
Edgartown selectmen have revoked the taxi license of Stagecoach taxi driver.
