In Chilmark Squibnocket beach is expected to dominate discussion when voters gather for their annual town meeting tonight. In Tisbury tomorrow night...
Fees are going up for over-sand vehicle permits, as the Trustees of Reservations work to enhance stewardship and generate more revenue for the...
As a long public review of the Stop & Shop expansion winds down before the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, opposition to the project has begun to...
The controversial improvement project for Squibnocket beach is the talk of the town and comes to a vote Monday night in the Chilmark Community Center...
There are 35 articles on the Tisbury annual town meeting warrant and 22 articles on the special town meeting warrant. Moderator Deborah Medders will...
The Steamship Authority this week postponed making a decision on the proposed Woods Hole terminal redesign because of additional questions from...
Cost estimates for a ferry to replace the Governor and a plan to rebuild the Woods Hole terminal top the agenda of the Steamship Authority governors...
Two Vineyarders were presented with their auxiliary boat crew certifications at a ceremony in Menemsha. The events marks another step toward Martha’s...
The Martha’s Vineyard Commission voted 8-2 Thursday night to approve eight new second-story rental apartments at Post Office Square in Edgartown....
Detection of high counts of carbon monoxide were reported in the hospital boiler room in late March. Oak Bluffs fire and health officials said the...
Reacting to an April 7 letter from the federal agency, selectmen sounded off about the decision to dredge Menemsha channel despite the town’s...
The Aquinnah selectmen voted to hire International Chimney to relocate the lighthouse. The Buffalo, N.Y., company was the sole bidder and is already...
