Principal Steven Nixon’s decision to cut five and two-fifths positions at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, potentially an unprecedented...
It is a chilly November evening; the sun has just dipped below the horizon and Mike McCarthy, quarterback for the Vineyarders football team, stands...
The annual Island Cup game between the Vineyard and Nantucket football teams has long been a high-stakes affair, played to the bitter end for the...
Denise Lambos and Jack Law
The Vineyard football team may be on the field for two and a half hours of game time tomorrow, but it takes days, weeks and a year of effort by...
It was a triumphant return to form for the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School football team in 2008. After a run of successful but ultimately...
After years of going without a conference affiliation, all but a handful of the athletic teams of the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High school...
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School girls’ and boys’ cross-country teams capped off another strong season last weekend at the Massachusetts...
Although the matchup between the Vineyard football team and visiting Cape Cod Tech team last Friday under the lights at the regional high school...
While other Islanders are out trick-or-treating or putting finishing touches on their costumes, the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School varsity...
In what is fast becoming a recurring theme of the season, senior quarterback Mike McCarthy on Friday again led the Vineyard football team past...
The boys’ and girls’ cross country teams are continuing a tradition of excellence this season, with the boys sporting a 5-0 record and the girls a...
MV High School Football
A plan to allow the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High school to join the Eastern Athletic Conference — a sports league predominantly made up of...
