I managed to kill several flats of onion seedlings. I put them outdoors into an unheated hoop house too early. I can’t decide if I froze them or...
I’ve been catching up on my reading, actually getting to sections of the newspaper I usually skim.
With a gate out of commission, the chickens have had their way with the property. The last straw was finding broken hellebores flowers.
I hate to buy fresh produce when I can grow anything on my own. We should all be thinking along these lines. Besides shoveling and tending the...
Sam Thoron provides interesting information on the lovely gazebo on the grounds of the Dr. Daniel Fisher House.
On Jan. 31, we had 10 hours of sun again. It’s been since Nov. 10 that we had that much daylight. Ten hours is really the maximum light required for...
I cannot recall such a yo-yo weather pattern. It’s 40 degrees one day and seven degrees the next. It’s difficult to get myself oriented.
Last week I was tempted by a plastic container of absolutely perfect organically grown in the U.S.A. strawberries. Granted, the price tag should have...
It was so warm and beautiful last Sunday that I had to get out there in the dirt. I moved a couple of blueberry bushes. They were too close to my...
Some snowstorm last week. It seems all took the forecast seriously.
I am writing exactly in between the two holidays. I have a couple of Christmas observations. For starters, my hellebores, a.k.a. Christmas rose,...
I received an interesting book for Christmas, Wicked Plants: The Weed That Killed Lincoln’s Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities. I cannot wait to...
