A handwritten sign sat next to the cash register at Craig’s Bicycles: “Health Care Organizing Kickoff . . . Attend a local meeting here!” And so on...

yacht club.

There is plenty of evidence already on the waterfront: Vineyard sailors are getting ready for summer.


The Vineyard yet again has several youth soccer teams excelling in the post-season, as the under-12 team heads to league finals, the under 14-team...

Relay for Life starting line

Despite dismal weather conditions, the sixth annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Martha’s Vineyard raised more than $60,000 for...

Bait fish that were once plentiful in the waters around the Cape and Islands have grown scarce. And recreational fishermen want Congress to step in...

As New England fisheries officials negotiate the finer points of a new groundfish management plan, Massachusetts voters appear firmly behind...
