Martha’s Vineyard Rod & Gun Club opens its annual Fall Shotgun Shoot to the public on Sunday, Nov. 30. Everyone is eligible for prizes in this...

Island emergency medical technicians (EMTs) are ready to welcome new people to the ranks. Tri-Town ambulance (West Tisbury, Chilmark and Aquinnah)...

Help With Benefits Donald Brown, director of the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance, is now offering regular office hours on the...

CPR Teacher Training The American Red Cross, Cape Cod and Islands Chapter is looking to train CPR and first aid instructors to teach classes on...


It is a chilly November evening; the sun has just dipped below the horizon and Mike McCarthy, quarterback for the Vineyarders football team, stands...

The annual Island Cup game between the Vineyard and Nantucket football teams has long been a high-stakes affair, played to the bitter end for the...
