Three candidates are running for a single seat on the Aquinnah board of selectmen this year, each longtime town residents with differing visions for the future.
Good progress on the electrification of Gay Head is reported by James M. Lumbert, superintendent of the Cape & Vineyard Electric Company. All the wire has been run, except for the tap and spur into the East Pasture. Of course this does not mean the end of the job for the linemen, who must now retrace their steps, tie the wire on the insulators, and make other finishing touches.
Aquinnah voters Tuesday night took the first step toward changing their town assessors from elected to an appointed board and agreed to spend money on improvements around the Gay Head Light.
Improvements around Gay Head Light and changing town assessors from elected to appointed will come before Aquinnah voters at a special town meeting Tuesday.
A lawsuit pits the town of Aquinnah’s efforts to improve the Gay Head Lighthouse against the rights of nearby condominium residents to enjoy their homes in peace and privacy.
South Road, the main artery of travel between eastern and western extremities of the Vineyard is at once outstanding in its natural scenery and its historical associations. Beginning, properly, opposite Parsonage Pond in West Tisbury village, it extends through Chilmark and Gay Head to the lighthouse and the country park on the headland in that town, where thousands go each year to view the famous Gay Head cliffs.
The following is a copy of the bill incorporating the new town of Gay Head.
Sect. 1. The district of Gay Head is hereby abolished, and the territory comprised therein is hereby incorporated into a town by the name of Gay Head. And said town of Gay Head is hereby invested with all the powers, privileges, rights and immunities, and subject to all the duties and requisitions to which other towns are entitled and subject by the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth.
A federal appeals court this week temporarily froze the effect of its ruling that the Aquinnah tribe has the legal authority to operate a gambling hall on the Vineyard.
Outgoing town administrator Adam Wilson was elected to a seat on the board of assessors and a $110,000 budget override passed by one vote at the Aquinnah town election Wednesday.