The Chilmark select board considered two Menemsha dock disputes on Tuesday evening. The meeting highlighted differing approaches by the town harbormaster and harbor advisory committee to waterways regulations.
The Chilmark select board is mulling how to put up its portion of the funds for Menemsha commercial dock improvements, has questions on an affordable housing project, and approved a three-year contract for the fire chief.
Chilmark will undergo a study of its organizational structure to figure out where it is stretched too thin and identify how to adapt to the changing needs of the town.
The Chilmark select board voted this week not to widen its narrow flag policy to accommodate a request to fly an LGBTQ flag on town property. The policy is to allow only the American, state and town flags on town property.
A five-member committee was appointed by the Chilmark select board Tuesday to draft a request for proposals for the planned affordable housing project at Peaked Hill Pastures.
Chilmark voted to install security cameras on the harbor master shack in Menemsha while it forms a committee to figure out the best way to install cameras on the west dock.
A 30-foot pole that went up in Menemsha to house security cameras on the west dock has been taken down while the town re-evaluates the project, selectman Warren Doty said.