Construction of a bus turnaround in Menemsha is on hold after Chilmark selectmen agreed to have their traffic consultant review alternatives.
A property abutting the town hall could become the new headquarters for Tri-Town ambulance, if voters agree at the annual town meeting next spring.
Construction of a bus turnaround in Menemsha is on hold after Chilmark selectmen agreed this week to allow time for critics to submit recommendations for alternatives.
Chilmark will take steps apply to become a green community under the Massachusetts Green Communities Act.
Chilmark selectmen agreed this week to upgrade the retirement policy for Tri-Town Ambulance paramedics.
A dispute over use and control of the Menemsha fuel dock was resolved amid testy exchanges at the Chilmark selectmen’s meeting Tuesday.
A new Chilmark fire station inched a little closer to reality last week when selectmen reviewed a preliminary site design that they said could work.
Rotted pilings, electrical wires and missing signs were a few of the items pointed out by town leaders during their spring tour of Menemsha harbor.
Chilmark selectmen are voicing concerns about a new health insurance opt-out program for Oak Bluffs town employees.
Longtime harbor master Dennis Jason will step down before the start of next summer, he told the Chilmark selectmen Tuesday.