Chilmark Town Column: March 31
Katie Carroll

Fear not, let me assure Jane’s faithful readers that our steadfast columnist is but taking a brief leave of absence from her computer desk. She will return to you in a few short weeks with newsy goodness galore.

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Chilmark Town Column: March 24

Chilmark is looking springlike in spite of the temperatures; fields are green and daffodils are blooming.

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Chilmark Town Column: March 17

Chilmark is enduring Stella as I write midweek. She was reported to be a mega-snowstorm but appears to be a windy rainy day that is destroying remnants of the snows of last week.I am sure the spring flowers that were seduced into sprouting early are enjoying the rinse off.

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Chilmark Town Column: March 10

Chilmark has been shivering this week with temperatures more normal for February than March. The spring flowers seem to take the sudden freeze in stride and are still colorful.

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Chilmark Town Column: Dec. 30

Chilmark greeted yet another year with dignity and grace. There were some tasteful fireworks shot off sufficiently before midnight for the early birds among us to enjoy. Chilmark has evidence of the changing years in that she sports many more shingles and paved roads each year, but after some 300 years she still seems rural and unsophisticated. The sound of the dredge working in the channel was the only sound over the wind that I could note this weekend past. All other endeavors in town seem to be at rest. There is still no snow for us to deal with yet.

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