After Standoff With Governor Baker, Construction Ban Stands

Construction bans enacted on the Vineyard and Nantucket will remain in place, following a conference call Sunday with officials from both Islands and spokesmen for Governor Baker.

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SSA to Sanitize Terminal Building

An employee at the Steamship Authority’s Woods Hole terminal was reportedly exposed to a person who has tested positive for Covid-19.

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Vineyard Reports Five More Coronavirus Cases; Construction Bans Stand

The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital said Monday there are now eight confirmed cases of Covid-19 on the Island, five more than as of Saturday. And public officials said construction bans on both Islands will remain in place, following a Sunday conference call with spokesmen for Governor Baker.

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Facebook Group Supports MVH Workers

A new group called Thank You Workers at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital is gaining hundreds of members on the Facebook social network.

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Cures for the Social Isolation Blues
Barry Stringfellow

According to mental health professionals, a useful coping mechanism in these difficult times is to look for the positives and to write them down.

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Troopers Staff Up

The Massachusetts State Police is deploying additional troopers to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket during the coronavirus emergency.

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Pandemic Leaves Vineyard Fishermen High and Dry
Will Sennott

The Menemsha waterfront traditionally begins to stir at this time of year. Fishermen mend their gear, sturdy work boats are back in the slips, ready for the early-season haul. With the pandemic, all that has changed.

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Hospital Staff Receive Top-Flight Training from Pandemic Expert

As the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital prepares for a potential influx of coronavirus cases, staff have been training tirelessly with infectious disease expert Dr. Gavin Macgregor-Skinner .

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With Third Coronavirus Case Confirmed, Vineyarders Brace for More

As coronavirus numbers continue to skyrocket statewide, Vineyarders are bracing for the pandemic spread on Island. The Vineyard confirmed a third positive Covid-19 test in Dukes County Saturday.

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Island Chef Brings New Meaning to Comfort Food
Barry Stringfellow

Wednesday was a historically grim day on Martha’s Vineyard. Just after noon, an ominous stay-at-home order chimed on cell phones all over the Island. Still, there were flickers of hope. The Art Cliff diner was one of them.

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