The MVC is considering the idea of a study of the carrying capacity of the Island. This is way past due
My family and I returned to our homes in Michigan after our 36th year vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard.
I have read Merwan Robinson’s children’s book with much admiration.
A pressing matter at home prompted me to book a last-minute flight on Friday afternoon.
The Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse was defaced recently.
On July 1, I suffered a traumatic injury at my home in Edgartown.
The overwhelming yes vote for the Tisbury School at Sunday’s meeting is only a first step in the right direction.
I am very much in favor of the proposed renovation and additions to the Tisbury School.
This Saturday marks the first year in which Juneteenth will be celebrated as a state holiday.
I understand that the Martha’s Vineyard Commission may take a vote on June 24 regarding the regional high school’s application to create in effect a new sportsplex at the high school.