Dusty and Sad

I was all set to complain about the heat and humidity when I heard on NPR this morning about the heat wave in western Europe.

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Allium Talk

Over the past week we've had a series of beautiful days.

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Nice Combinations

Wouldn’t it be fun if every couple of nights we could get a nice soaking rain like last Monday?

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Blossom Smile Some

The beginning of the week favored us with a couple of fabulous weather days.

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Just In Time

That was some rain on Monday morning. I was so happy.

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Natural Irrigation

As I write this on Tuesday evening, I am ever hopeful that we actually get the rain predicted.

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Being Grateful

I was all set to make my usual opening comments concerning our weather when, instead, I switched on the weather channel.

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High Spring

We've had a series of beautiful days. Cool and crisp in the mornings but warming just enough midday for shirtsleeves.

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Love Your Weeds

I've said many times how I dislike working outside in the wind.

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Waiting Season

Over the course of the winter, we had plenty of rain. It's comforting to know the water table has been replenished.

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