Martha’s Vineyard has one of the highest rates of home insurance policies not being renewed across the United States, leading to higher premiums, according to a newly released federal report.
Today’s storm is tomorrow’s high tide. That’s how Deanna Moran, the Massachusetts chief coastal resilience officer, explained the importance of getting ahead of the impacts of climate change.
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will host a conference next week to talk about how the Vineyarders can adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change on the Island’s coast.
Eversource earlier this month received the green light to beef up its electrical infrastructure on Cape Cod, making it easier for Island solar projects to tie into the grid.
As the town weighs the potential impacts of the climate crisis in the coming decades, a high priority is maintaining access to the hospital, which is located on the coast in an already active flood zone.
Since 2022, Eversource has been telling customers on the Vineyard that the utility company cannot take on any solar projects larger than 15 kilowatts — and in some instances 25 kilowatts — while it plans to beef up a Falmouth substation that services the Island.
Kate Warner is scared. The rate at which climate change is occurring terrifies her, and as energy planner for the Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC), she is trying to get Vineyarders to act.
Climatologists say the prevalence of strong southerly storms that have battered the Vineyard’s south shore this winter are due, in part, to the first El Niño winter in five years.
Gardeners on the Vineyard are experiencing warmer winters on average, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s newly released Plant Hardiness Zone Map.