In the face of increasing worker shortages and uncertainty, the Island retail and restaurant scene continues to adapt and, in many cases, expand.
When it comes to Vineyard history, up-Island mariner and antiquarian bookseller Virginia Jones pulls no punches. Since 2014, she has spent her days holding court at her Menemsha bookstore.
In a garage-top office near the Tisbury School, as a small group of tradesmen prepared their morning coffee, Alan P. Fortes reflected on a lifetime in the plumbing business.
Main street shop owners say they had no advance notice of sidewalk demolition that’s now underway in front of their stores.
The Department of Homeland Security announced sweeping changes to its H-2B seasonal worker visa program include nearly doubling the cap on visas in 2023.
Small business owners offered many variations on a single theme: it is hard to build a business in a seasonal economy where expenses are rising and labor supply dwindling, even when demand is as strong as ever.