Kathie Case
The highlight of my New Year's Eve was watching Anderson Cooper take tequila shots.
Edgartown Town Column
Kathie Case
We took a drive around Katama and saw the ocean from the road.
Edgartown Town Column
Kathie Case
On Sunday it was shorts, tank top and flip flops. On Monday it was jeans, long-sleeved shirt, flip flops optional.
Edgartown Town Column


Memories of the Islander and Nobska.

After a week of the heat being down since November, I have just turned it back up.

The sun has been shining but it has been chilly.

As I am typing this it is 5 p.m. and the sun is out. It is a no sweatshirt day and the flip flops almost came out.

The saying “If you don’t like the weather wait a minute” certainly lived up to its reputation.

A lines from a certain song comes to mind this week as we have had some beautiful days — “Blue sky, sunshine what a day to take a walk in the park.”
