The spring flowers are hard to find, but many birds are back. We should be so lucky as to see the grass, never mind what color it is.
Well, as you have noticed, the days are getting thankfully longer; we now have more than 12 hours of daylight each day, but the thermometer has not climbed above 50 degrees.
Sprinkle a little salt over your left shoulder before reading this column for luck. Spring will be here in just one week and that will not be soon enough for many of us.
Well, the month of March came in like a lion, no doubt about it, with a mini snowstorm. The old saying is that March will leave like a lamb, we certainly hope so.
Well, last Friday morning it was bitter cold, 5 above zero with howling wind, but the sun was bright and we were able to thaw out a bit.
Today marks the beginning of the school vacation week for Vineyard students and many families will also take a vacation from the winter boredom.
Well, if you are superstitious sprinkle a little salt over your left shoulder before reading today’s column. It has been quite a mess since the blizzard of 2015.
Well, after an average January that ended with temperatures in the teens and about 30 inches of snow, it seems we are caught in a vicious storm pattern.
Before dark we knew we were in for a good storm even though there was a slight mix of rain. By Tuesday morning we had experienced a night with strong winds, gusts of 70 mph, blowing snow and colder temperatures.