It has been cold and miserable enough to close the Dumptique until March. The focus of the day other than the usual dump run was the Patriots football game to most everyone.
Well, the weather has made itself known — bitter cold, light snow, high winds and temperatures all over the map. Most all of the daytime SSA trips had to be cancelled last Friday due to the wind that gusted up to 65 mph.
Well, the weekend weather was cold and damp with a little thunder Sunday night. We received our first snowfall on Tuesday, with miserably cold temperatures to boot.
The traffic in town last Saturday morning could be counted on the fingers of one hand. People stayed at home with family, watched bowl games and relaxed.
The Congregational Church had a successful Christmas Faire and Marian Irving wants to thank all of the people who made it possible. My wife Anna won the raffle basket. She admits that she had forgotten about it with all of the holiday spirit but was delighted to receive it.
Well, all is nearly prepared in most homes for Christmas on Thursday. However, there is always time for a tiny amount of last minute shopping.
Christmas in Edgartown is happening all weekend. Katherine Long of Scotchman’s Lane will be hosting her 36th annual Winter Solstice Party on Sunday at her home from noon until 9 p.m.
The weather did deteriorate as fast as predicted and by Friday morning it was down right cold and we received about an inch of snow in Seekonk, where we stayed during the Thanksgiving weekend.
Most of us will recover after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner this week shared with family and friends. The day after Thanksgiving is the traditional start of the Christmas season.