Who Owns Circuit Avenue, Oak Bluffs
The map below, derived from Oak Bluffs assessors’ map, shows the commercial properties that line a portion of Circuit avenue running from the foot of the street to the intersection with Kennebec avenue. The numbers on the map correspond to the street addresses as listed in assessors’ records. (In some cases, the numbers that appear on the buildings themselves differ from municipal records). For each property, we have tried to identify the current storefronts and businesses that occupy each building, the total assessed value of the property as of Jan. 1, 2023 (land plus buildings), the owner of record and, where the property is owned by a trust or corporation, the names of individuals associated with that entity according to state records.

West Side of Circuit avenue

18 Lake street
- Current business occupant(s): Giordano’s
- Total assessed property value: $2,883,100
- Property owner: Giordano Trust (Richard Giordano)

4 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): The Ritz
- Total assessed property value: $1,548,500
- Property owner: Ritz Nominee Trust (Larkin Stallings)

6 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Red Cat Kitchen, Mikado
- Total assessed property value: $4,755,200
- Property owner: Windsor Circuit Ltd. (Adam & Janet Cummings)

8 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): First Impressions
- Total assessed property value: $887,900
- Property owner: 8 Circuit Ave. Nominee Realty Trust (Margaret Wray)

10 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Mocha Mott's, Tease
- Total assessed property value: $2,897,250
- Property owner: various owners (condos)

12 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Mad Martha’s, Tigerhawk Sandwich Co.
- Total assessed property value: $1,868,400
- Property owner: 12 Circuit Ave OB LLC (Brook Katzen, Samuel Schreiber, James Shane, Darren Black)

14 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Soft as a Grape
- Total assessed property value: $1,043,800
- Property owner: Coggins Realty LLC (William M. Coggins)

20 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Ben & Bill’s Chocolate Emporium, Nautilus, Ocean T-Shirts, Eastaway Clothing
- Total assessed property value: $3,464,900
- Property owner: G&B Sales Corp. (Rhonda Silverman, Richard Cohen)

24 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Basics, The Corner Store
- Total assessed property value: $3,163,600
- Property owner: Barmakian Realty Trust (Jill & Luke Barmakian)

30 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Phillip’s Hardware
- Total assessed property value: $2,037,400
- Property owner: 30 Circuit LLC (Robert, Donna & Edmund Pacheco, Jennifer Freeman)

36 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Reliable Market
- Total assessed property value: $2,770,700
- Property owner: Reliable Self-Service Market (Robert & Donna Pacheco)

38 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Vineyard Wine Shop, Benito’s Hair Styling, Island Fashion
- Total assessed property value: $2,082,300
- Property owner: Salt Pond LLC (Clayton Sears)

40 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Hollywood Nails, Martha’s Style Co.
- Total assessed property value: $1,415,000
- Property owner: Khanh & Quyn Tran

42 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Lazy Frog, Sanctuary, Craftworks
- Total assessed property value: $1,266,600
- Property owner: 42 Circuit Ave LLC (Sharon McKinney)

46 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): daRosa’s
- Total assessed property value: $2,455,100
- Property owner: Darco Realty (daRosa family)

50 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Dos Mas
- Total assessed property value: $1,205,800
- Property owner: 50 Circuit Ave. (Zared & Evan Shai)

52 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Third World Trading Co.
- Total assessed property value: $923,000
- Property owner: Lori Katsounakis
<*/---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */>
East Side of Circuit avenue

1 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Island Theater (Vacant)
- Total assessed property value: $1,411,900
- Property owner: Lucky 7 Realty Trust (Benjamin & Brian Hall)

5 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Murdick’s Fudge
- Total assessed property value: $1,515,000
- Property owner: Murdick’s Fudge of Mass. (Robert Benser)

7 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Fat Ronnie’s
- Total assessed property value: $784,800
- Property owner: Fat Ronnie’s Brands LLC (Reynaldo Faust)

11 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): M&R Stylz, Island House
- Total assessed property value: $2,752,600
- Property owner: KikiMV, Inc. (Ralston & Mavis Francis)

15 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Blush, Carousel Ice Cream
- Total assessed property value: $2,197,000
- Property owner: J&H LLC (Christopher & Karin Welch)

19 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Ryan Family Amusements, Rosie’s Frozen Yogurt, Seabags, Slip 77
- Total assessed property value: $3,405,600
- Property owner: Cottage City Realty Trust (Charles Hajjar, Doug Abdelnour)

25 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Linda Jean’s
- Total assessed property value: $2,783,000
- Property owner: Arkansas Trust Co. (Marc Hanover)

27 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): In the Bluff
- Total assessed property value: $916,000
- Property owner: Barbara Gentry

29 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Island Novelties
- Total assessed property value: $1,135,300
- Property owner: Dattas Inc. (Chander S. Datta)

31 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Sharky’s Cantina
- Total assessed property value: $1,859,800
- Property owner: Laurence Hardoon

33 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Laughing Bear
- Total assessed property value: $899,200
- Property owner: Ann Schwenk

35 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Black Dog Store
- Total assessed property value: $2,076,500
- Property owner: Lighthouse Trust (Martha Hartel)

37 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Stephanie Wolf Designs
- Total assessed property value: $3,944,500
- Property owner: Multiple owners (condos)

39 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Glimpse of Tibet
- Total assessed property value: $1,749,200
- Property owner: 105 W. 28th St. Corp (David & Kirsten Sauter)

41 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Anchor Realty
- Total assessed property value: $998,500
- Property owner: 41 Circuit Ave. Realty Trust (Lisa Lucier)

43 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Island Vibes
- Total assessed property value: $1,387,200
- Property owner: Dattas Inc. (Chander S. Datta)

45 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Toccopuro, Real Island Co.,
- Total assessed property value: $1,888,500
- Property owner: Circuitous Realty Trust (Eugene V. Erez)

47 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Circuit Style Salon, 47 Circuit
- Total assessed property value: $3,491,100
- Property owner: JEDS Properties MV LLC (Joe Dennis Hull, Elizabeth Rose, Derek Hull)

49 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Mister Pugg’s Mugg
- Total assessed property value: $577,300
- Property owner: Ernest Medeiros

Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): C’est La Vie
- Total assessed property value: $1,094,400
- Property owner: Roger J. Schilling

53 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): Beetlebung
- Total assessed property value: $2,193,500
- Property owner: Circuit Ave. Properties LLC (John & Renee Molinari)

55 Circuit avenue
- Current business occupant(s): MV Salads
- Total assessed property value: $1,350,800
- Property owner: Sevenbay Real Estate LLC (Susanna Herlitz-Ferguson)
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