In the winter of 2011, former professor and journalist Loren Ghiglione and two students of journalism, Dan Tham and Alyssa Karas, loaded up a van and set out to search for American cultural identity.
Richard Clark, longtime Steamship Authority terminal agent in Vineyard Haven, will retire Friday after 41 years on the job. He started with the boat line as a ticket seller in 1979.
The Tisbury select board turned its attention to waterfront maintenance Tuesday, voting in new waterway regulations and a contract for a long-term dredging project in Tashmoo.
This weekend, Islanders flocked to the Vineyard drive-in for the 20th annual Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival, a milestone celebration rescheduled from the spring.
What can the ocean tell us about ourselves? Three raconteurs set out to answer the question last Wednesday night in the most recent installment of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s virtual series.