Tomorrow we have a Blue Moon, a full moon. While there is no color change, the name of a color refers more to its rarity. You won’t see anything unusual when you look up this weekend.
A Blue Moon occurs on the second full moon of a month. We had a full moon at the start of October and this one comes on the last day of the month Halloween. What is truly rare is that this one falls on Halloween night, when little gobblins and witches are roaming. In fact, if you do the math every time the moon is full on Halloween Night, it is a Blue Moon.
The red planet Mars is a spectacle rising in the eastern sky soon after sunset. A brighter Mars will not be visible until the year 2035, and for many this may be a first time to spot the planet.
Mars reaches opposition in mid-October and the show is available all month. Opposition happens about every two years, but this one is best placed for our latitude. Mars was closer two years ago but it was also close to the southern horizon.