Change is coming to our evening sky. The bright planet Venus now captivating viewers is going to drop out of view in the next month.
Venus is high in the western sky after sunset, as high as it will get in the evening sky. Pay attention and you’ll notice each night ahead. It will appear lower. By the end of May it will have dropped from view.
If you are up late at night you’ll see two of the solar system’s largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, appear together low in the eastern sky. Jupiter is the brighter of the two.
One of the bright stars of winter, Betelgeuse is back. Betelgeuse is a principle star in the zodiacal constellation Orion. Betelgeuse is high in the west after sunset.
Atty. Ronald H. Rappaport saluted Island volunteers as the backbone of this community and an indispensable force that makes the Vineyard the special place it is.
In a spectacle described as incredible, amazing and historic, hundreds of Islanders turned out to hammer boards, paint window sills and raise the Martha's Vineyard Agricultural Society's new barn in a three-day event that was a festival of community spirit.