As home mortgage foreclosure notices began appearing, then multiplying, in the Vineyard newspapers, John Pearson grew concerned. When the notices...
In 2004, as an officer in the United States Marine Corps, summer Chilmarker Zachary Iscol was sent to fight in Al Anbar, the most violent province...
It took 10 years for the voters of West Tisbury to make up their collective mind about what to do with the historic town hall building, left to our...
This week our student’s thoughts are turning to spring, sports and learning. Spring is definitely in the air. The Best Season By SHELBY FERRY
PAY RAISE QUESTIONS Editors, Vineyard Gazette: During a time where everyone is being asked to tighten their budgets, I find it interesting that...
An important source of housing support on Martha’s Vineyard will be one focus of the next few weeks of town meeting discussion. Votes on funding...
For the second time in six months, the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority has been unable to make its payments to landlords involved in its...
When Tisbury voters convene for their annual town meeting on Tuesday, they will consider a town budget cut for economically difficult times. Sure...
West Tisbury voters will face a 48-article warrant at the annual town meeting Tuesday that includes a controversial request to fund an engineering...
When the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) were unceremoniously disbanded in 1944, Ann Lesnikowski of Vineyard Haven was told to go home, with...
It’s spring cleaning time in Edgartown, and voters at the annual town meeting Tuesday will take up a 63-article warrant that calls for repairs to...
One letter at a time. That was the drill on Wednesday morning this week as the nameplate went up over the entrance to the new Martha’s Vineyard...
