Class of 2009(PDF) Good morning! High School commencement ceremonies begin at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs. Read the Tuesday...
Thousands upon thousands of books now line the new shelves of the Bunch of Grapes bookstore, ready for its reopening this Saturday. But one book in...
A state grant awarded by the Department of Conservation and Recreation for repairs to the Oak Bluffs waterfront is now the subject of a complicated...
They’ve left no time to worry about the future. Instead, they have directed their energy toward preparing for it. The Martha’s Vineyard Regional...
It seems appropriate, somehow, that the first reward Bethany Pennington received upon hearing that she was the valedictorian of the Martha’s...
A series of wetlands violations in the town of Chilmark underpin drama which is the stuff of a daytime soap opera, complete with tangled...
Gas Prices for regular unleaded gas as of June 9: Edgartown Airport Mobil $3.239 Depot Corner $3.199 Edgartown Mobil $3.259 Oak Bluffs...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº June 5 64 54 .03 June 6 58 54 .87 June 7 72 54 .00 June 8 78 59 .01 June 9 69 54 Trace June...
Announcing Kyla John S. Lovewell of Edgartown is proud to announce the birth of his first great-grandchild. Kyla Tavares Lipin was born to Quinn...
JOHN S. ALLEY 508-693-2950 (
JANE N. SLATER 508-645-3378 ( Lots of news and many announcements take our attention this week. Best to get the date book...
Tomorrow night’s gibbous moon appear close to the bright planet Jupiter in the southeastern sky. The two rise in the east well before midnight. Both...
