Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr., a renowned African American literary and history scholar, will be the featured speaker for the eighth annual summer...
On Wednesday, August 13, at 7:30 p.m. the Polly Hill Arboretum welcomes Ellie Altman as guest speaker for the 11th annual David H. Smith Memorial...
Bring the Grandparents The Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation will sponsor its fourth annual grandparents and grandchildren day on Thursday at the Native...
Cottage Park is a quiet 250-foot-long sidewalk lying just past the Circuit avenue entrance to the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association....
Library Campaign News On Thursday, August 14, Friends of the Edgartown Library will host an open house at the library to provide a summer update...
The second annual Cooke and South Water streets house tour will be tomorrow, Wednesday. August 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. The tour will include five...