Katie Mayhew, 16, of West Tisbury will perform with the Boston Pops on Wednesday, June 18, at Symphony Hall. The Pops will be conducted by Keith...
In this serialized novel set on the Vineyard in real time, a native Islander (“Call me Becca”) returns home to the Vineyard after many years in...
Friday Conversation William O’Brien, chairman of the Dukes County Charter Study Commission, will speak in the Friday Conversations program at the...
Arts & Society presents the 30th annual Bloomsday celebration of music and drama based on the text of James Joyce, on June 16, at 8 p.m. at...
Red Cross Receives Grant The Edward Bangs and Elza Bangs Kelley Foundation Inc. has provided a $7,500 grant to the Cape Cod and Islands Chapter...
SLOOP: Restoring My Family’s Wooden Sailboat, An Adventure in Old-Fashioned Values. By Daniel Robb. Simon & Schuster, New York, N.Y. 2007. 318...