ACE MV Registration Registration is now open for the Adult and Community Education (ACE MV) winter and spring classes. Course offerings include...

Alzheimer’s Support A group for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other dementia will begin meeting on Wednesday mornings from 10...

MV Democrats The Martha’s Vineyard Democrats are holding a meeting this Saturday, Jan. 14. from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Howes House in West Tisbury...

Yoga Teacher Training On Saturday, Jan. 14, FLY Yoga will offer a preview of their spring teacher training school with Sherry Sidoti. The event...

Inside Scoop on Occupy Having trouble getting a handle on what to occupy these days? Well, on Sunday, Jan. 15, there will be an educational forum...

Haggis Hotline Save Saturday, Jan. 14, for some haggis; that would be a wee bit of sheep’s heart, liver and lungs to be exact, traditionally...
