museum balloons sign

It’s the most famous Island landmark hardly anyone has ever seen. Built in 1895 as a marine hospital, the old plantation-style manor, with gray...

Leslie Stark

It’s A Wonderful Life, for anyone who has accidentally missed the 20th century, was originally a 1946 movie directed by Frank Capra starring Jimmy...

B&W kissing, silent film

Silent Film Celebrates Silent Film Era The Artist is a movie that celebrates the silent film era even as it tells the story of its decline. The...

puppet show, PigPen

For those on the Vineyard who have witnessed the past two summer productions from the PigPen Theatre Company you know what it means to be...

This month the Chilmark Library is hosting an art show called Sugar-Coated Barnyard on the Moon. The show is a collection of work by three Island...

Film Festival Honored Those living on or visiting Martha’s Vineyard have long recognized the Martha’s Vineyard International Film Festival as a...
