Art and Commerce Unite Every once in awhile even an artist must stop and smell the numbers. Business acumen and self-promotion are essential in...

Casting Call Auditions are being held on Thursday, April 21 and Friday, April 22 for ten speaking roles in Policing in America, a video project of...

Family-to-Family Meals The Vineyard Committee on Hunger is asking for donations for Island families in need this spring, in particular for...

Living Beyond War Living Beyond War by Winslow Myers will be the subject of a book discussion group taking place on Sunday, April 10 at 5 p.m. at...

Horseshoe Crabs Get Busy Everything you wanted to know about horseshoe crabs but were afraid to ask, in particular their mating habits, will be...

Kids and Medication On Thursday, April 7 Martha’s Vineyard Community Services will host a talk entitled Medication and Kids: How Do We Decide?...
