Fleet Vision The Menemsha Fisheries Development Fund presents Menemsha: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow with Warren Doty on Thursday, August 12 at...
Quarter Century in Eden Eden Market and Garden Center is celebrating 25 years; on Friday, August 13 the garden center will host a party from 4 to...
The Chilmark Historical Commission will present a lecture titled And She Alone Remains: The Past, Present and Future of the Charles W. Morgan, with...
Peter Appeldoorn Mead A memorial service for Peter Appeldoorn Mead, who died on Jan. 28, 2010, in Grenada, West Indies, will be held on Thursday,...
Native Plant Talk On Wednesday, August 11, at 7:30 p.m. the director of the Mt. Cuba Center, Rick Lewandowski, delivers the annual David H. Smith...
The ninth annual Chicken Alley Art and Collectibles Sale is this Sunday, August 15, from 1 to 5 p.m. under the tent at 38 Lagoon Pond Road in...