Fury of the Ferry A staged reading of The Sound and the Ferry, a new play by Says You! regular and Island seasonal resident Arnie Reisman, is the...
The Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music concerts on Monday at the Whaling Church in Edgartown and at the Chilmark Community Center on Tuesday will...
A documentary of a ballet odyssey, Dancing Across Borders, screens on Sunday, July 25, at 4 p.m. at the Capawock Theatre on Main street in Vineyard...
Ever wonder what to do with the riches earned at the summer lemonade stand? S.L. Hudson has the answer in her new young adult novel, Strike Zone,...
Celebrate the Sea, Its Keepers and Songs On Thursday night, Mark Alan Lovewell, a singer, storyteller and Vineyard Gazette reporter and...
Memories of Walter Cronkite — as both a sailor on the Vineyard waterfront and as the nation’s favorite television journalist — were shared Sunday...