A blustery overnight storm passed over the Vineyard Sunday and lingered on Monday, downing trees, roughing up seas and causing cancelled ferries and power outages. Ferry service resumed at around 5 p.m. Monday.

The storm also wreaked havoc across the state, with power outages, downed trees and public transit interruptions.
The Steamship Authority cancelled most ferry service to the Vineyard beginning early Monday, stranding travelers on both sides. Powerful wind gusts brought down trees and kept bay scallopers at home. Scattered power outages were reported around the Island, including in Vineyard Haven, Aquinnah, Chilmark and West Tisbury. The Tisbury town hall annex was closed due to lack of power.
Seas were choppy and Halloween decorations were blown about, on the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. That hurricane ravaged the East Coast and caused major erosion on the Vineyard.
A wind advisory remained in effect on the Vineyard through late Monday, according to The National Weather Service in Taunton.
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