I have been through many shortages on Martha’s Vineyard. Toilet paper, paper towels, cleansing wipes, flu vaccines, vanilla ice cream — always a few days before Thanksgiving. But never on this bucolic isle have I endured a shortage of pumpkins. This will be a very different Halloween. Kudos to all who have pulled together a semblance of celebration for our costumed kids.

Setting the clocks back one hour as we are instructed to this Saturday night has become a big subject of debate. Do we really want another hour of the year 2020? You decide.

It is never too late to become a farmer. Our former Mayor of Leonard Circle, Bill Little, moved to Georgia two years ago after wife Debbie retired from our USPS. I checked in with them last week and learned they are in Cartersvile, Ga. and operating their farm of two rescue ponies, two pygmy goats, two donkeys, 18 chickens, rabbits and ducks. Bill has a kids pool for the ducks, a fenced in yard and a huge garden. I can attest to the fact that Debbie has two green thumbs. Best wishes to our former neighbors.

Our Martha’s Vineyard Museum is the proud recipient of the 2020 Massachusetts Historical Preservation Award. Thank you to all the hard workers who helped make this happen.

In other well-deserved awards, our local author, Skip Finley, has received the 2020 International African-American History and Genealogical Book Award for nonfiction. The book is Whaling Captains of Color. It is first on my TBR pile of books to read while I recover from surgery next month. Skip is always a lively and informative writer with a flair for words.

Next month’s surgery is Nov. 23 at our hospital. I met with Dr. Halsey’s team at the hospital yesterday for some tests and information. Nurse Patty Quast-French is so informative and soothing. I must say the hospital has adapted to this pandemic in such a caring and efficient way. Too bad the powers that be forced us all into this avoidable drain on our lives, our families, our economy and our world standing.

Some question why I would agree to have surgery two days before Thanksgiving and “miss the holiday.” My response? Do you think after my years of feeding my roving flock of turkeys, including teacher’s pets, Broken Wing, Beaky, Walter, and Hopsy, I could possible cook and eat one of these creatures? Not to mention the ramifications of white settlers stories with the occupation and takeover of this land from Natives? Hospital food will be just fine for this woke girl, thank you very much.

Holly Nadler reports from her visit to Florida that there are Cape Cod potato chips there. In case you are thinking of moving.

With great sadness I must tell you that my friend, Leda Giatti, former biology teacher at Mt. Vernon high school, and devoted summer resident of Martha’s Vineyard has passed. We are planning a celebration of life for her on-Island in the future. Two other great ladies have passed, Barbara Nolan and Allyson Courchabe Getsinger. A sad loss for us all.

Condolences to Molly Conole and her family. Their beloved pooch Pika has crossed the rainbow bridge.

Belated birthday greetings to Harland Gibbs who now lives in Vineyard Haven. He is a certified appraiser and claimed Oct. 5 for his celebration.

The birthday bandwagon pulled along Lucas Rodrigues on Oct. 21. Everett Poole turned 90 on Oct. 23.

May I be sentenced to a stalled car at Five Corners on Memorial Day weekend for neglecting to wish my dear friend, Bobbie Jo Sears, a delightful birthday on Oct. 27. Many happy returns. Now everyone, please vote!