It seems since Debbie has passed us, she took the humidity with her. There has been a great breeze and the windows are open for fresh air. Who can argue with that?

Happy Birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Asher Bedo, Achshaph Braz and Cameron Lavigne, who celebrated August 11; Izabella da Silva, Judson Schaeffer, August 13; Aydan Roginski, August 15; and to Victor Dutra and Allicia Guimaraes, who celebrate their day today August 16.

Ryan and Michelle Mundt along with their children Lina, Levi and Bodie were here visiting Ryan’s mother Patty Mundt and his father Kirk Mundt. They were joined with Michelle’s brother Eric his wife Stephanie, and their children Duke and Lenni. They all had a great time and good weather with lots of beach time. Ryan also spent time with brother Kraig, his wife Ashely and daughter Maizey. Ryan also got to get together with high school friends. As usual time flew and are now back home in Connecticut.

We all do it when we go to the beach — we lay on our towels then get up to go in the water and take our watch and rings off. When we get back to the towel sometimes you forget they are there and soon they are lost in the sand. Then there are some who wear their jewelry into the water and don’t realize it has slipped off. Mikey Waters and his metal detector have been busy for several years now helping these people. This past weekend Mikey found his 105th ring and returned it to the rightful owner.

It is not always easy as the detector picks up all sorts of things like coins, bottle caps and who knows what else. But he, and sometimes with his children Mikey and Hailey, go over the areas where the person lost their items and scan sometimes for a short time and sometimes hours, but he always seems to find them. He even searches in the water but that search takes much longer. All I can say is he has made many people happy and relieved to get their treasures back. Thank you, Mikey, you are a treasure.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.