The coalition of more than 70 volunteers and 37 organizations, will launch a major survey of Island seniors next week in an effort to refine its...

Hy-Line Cruises and Seastreak want to expand passenger service to Martha’s Vineyard next year. Public hearings will be held.

After winning the New England division of the 55 and older 9.0 league, a group of Vineyard women who have been playing tennis together for years are...

The Steamship Authority board of governors will discuss a full slate of issues, including freight and passenger service between the Vineyard and New...

Kate and Ben Curelli of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a son, John Michael Francis Curelli, born Oct. 18 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Brenna Reardon and Michael Ellis of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a son, Bryan Michael Ellis, born on Oct. 17 at the Martha’ Vineyard Hospital.


News Briefs

Grace Episcopal Church in Vineyard Haven is welcoming all pets and their owners to its annual Blessing of the Animals, taking place this Saturday,...

WUMB is hosting a free member concert on Martha’s Vineyard on Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Loft in Oak Bluffs.

The Living Local Harvest Festival takes place this weekend at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury. In a sense, the whole day is a community potluck...
