Peter Lambos

Last Friday, children at the Martha’s Vineyard Boys’ and Girls’ Club received copies of the Funhunters Scavenger Hunt. “Oh, we know all about the...

With its water-themed issue on the stands, National Geographic will continue to focus on this most precious resource on Martha’s Vineyard this...

William Waterway

One spring morning in 1972, while riding his motorcycle across a bridge in New Jersey on his way to class at Fairleigh Dickinson University, William...

The federal government has given approval for the development of Cape Wind, America’s first big offshore wind farm, on Horseshoe Shoal in...

Tisbury voters today approved the sale of beer and wine in the town’s restaurants. Proponents of beer and wine sales have been pushing the...

Island residents who need to take the ferry to the mainland on a regular basis for special medical treatments such as chemotherapy will have a new...
