Susan Wilson’s new novel, Two Good Dogs, follows more developments in the life of Adam March and his battle-scarred pitbull, Chance, who were first...

Terry Black and Gomar Coleman of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a son, Temarli Jace Coleman, born March 30 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Sarah and Mauricio Rodrigues of Edgartown announce the birth of a son, Amar Rodrigues, born March 29 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Tisbury will take up a range of renovation options for the town’s outdated elementary school building at public meetings next week.

A cap on visas for workers from foreign countries has some Vineyard employers scrambling to fill jobs before the summer.

With a dwindling year-round population, town officials and the MVC are making a concerted push to make sure Cuttyhunk remains a viable year-round...


News Briefs

A super sweet dog is residing at the shelter and hoping that her new forever family will find her sooner rather than later.

A message from the past will be unveiled this weekend as the Vineyard Haven library hosts a time capsule opening ceremony.

Stakeholders are invited to learn more about the Massachusetts Shellfish Initiative.
